NYSBIP Calculator Widget for School Bus Dealers & OEMs


The NYSBIP Calculator Widget is easily added to websites of school bus dealers and OEMs. Designed to help your customers (school districts and bus operators) understand the significant financial incentives available through the New York School Bus Incentive Program (NYSBIP), this widget will enhance your website with meaningful, interactive content.

  • Improve your website with meaningful content
  • Help your customers understand NYSBIP benefits
  • Easily customizable to your brand and buses
  • Meaningful content for search engine ranking
  • Immediate deployment with no development
  • Includes future NYSBIP updates, rule changes, funding changes, and bus edits


For questions or pricing contact us.


NYSBIP Calculator
Bus List

Calculates the dollar mount that a NYSBIP voucher would be for your bus, as well as the maximum amount of vouchers a district is eligible for.

When placed on your website, the list of NYSBIP eligible buses will only show the buses you sell (instead of all shown here).

The Learn More section is reserved for you customized marketing message.  Insert whatever copy and call to action that fits your strategy.




The NYSBIP Calculator is a pre-built module and easily installed in your existing website by simply inserting a short snippet of HTML code. There is no web development or project required, it is available immediately.  Installation is typically about 15 minutes for your web person to do. 

To make sure this tool is focused on your business, the tool is easily configured to display only the buses you sell.  The colors may also be set to match your website and branding.

For questions or pricing contact us.

Custom Branding


Below is the live calculator as it would appear on your website.  Remember, it is configurable to your colors, branding, and the Learn More tab is designed to show your own content.


For questions or pricing on the NYSBIP Calculator contact us.