This calculator includes three (3) NYSBIP incentive calculator tabs: “Single Bus Voucher,” ”Fleetwide Caps,” and “Charging Voucher,” which can be completed individually. The “Stacking” calculator tab can demonstrate at a high level how EPA and Make-Ready Incentives can be combined with NYSBIP Incentives. The NYSBIP calculator tabs must be completed to utilize the “Stacking” tab. The summary tab aggregates the data from the NYSBIP calculator and “Stacking” tabs in a printable report. All calculator pages must be completed to utilize the “Summary” tab and report. If you scroll over the question marks (?), a pop up of Help Text will appear.
The numbers that appear in the calculator are for demonstrative purposes only. Each incentive program has its own eligibility, incentive amounts, and rules that participants in the programs must adhere to. Incentive amounts are subject to change. For individual program information refer the responsible Agency’s website. Links to the incentive programs detailed, a list of definitions, and a list of NYSBIP eligible electric school buses can be found on the Resources tab.